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"We Are the Luckiest" by Laura McKowen
book review by Riley Burnham 2/6/2023
really really good [audio]book(!!)
sincerely, this one's about sobriety & the personal & woefully common journey to the place where someone gets clean & clear
extremely difficult, clearly, w/ the harangues of life being thrown -- from family to relationships to social standing etc.
she finally gets into AA, doing the common move [we learn] of arriving intoxicated, etc.
the many embarrassing life-experiences/stories that become a bittersweet gratitude
the eyes to sufficiently appreciate the gift of sobriety, as she says, where you may find your life more [grace w/ god] than yourself
less shame, more presence, clearer decision-making, & self-respect top some of the charts of eventual benefits that tend to accompany sobriety
more importantly, too, are avoiding/steering clear of some of the pitfalls that come w/ intoxication, for instance, as she describes the recognition that even children have when someone starts drinking that they become "less present" [she tells the story of a kid offering to swap their drink for water]
really really really good stuff; highly recommended