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"Unoffendable" by Brant Hansen
book review by Riley Burnham 7/29/2022
great book [audiobook of course good]
my third B.H. book, & within just a few weeks [all audiobooks 👍👍👍]; he's excellent, & wise, & funny/humorous -- really good stuff
this book bats home the concept of Christ being all-forgiving, & following that tradition into its milieu of places
it's nice hearing about "radical" acts of kindness (birthday parties for prostitutes in the middle of the night in far away lands); knocking on that neighbor's door who just lost a wife & is now fathering alone; etc.
i love the idea to harden against "offense," & to see that we really are in charge of our spirituality in this aspect: a la i can CHOOSE to take offense & how to respond -- followers of Jesus' teachings will have tools & wisdom to assist here, such as loving brother more than self, & giving us this perspective
extremely easy read & worthwhile
contains LOTR references, hehehe