Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Darkest White" by Eric Blehm

"The Darkest White" by Eric Blehm

book review by Riley Burnham 3/27/2024

holy crap this gets sloggy

i've developed a fairly keen ear for conjured dialogue, & this bad-boy is basically full of it, filling 12.5 hours of audiobook w/ much throw-away BS

i was ready to stop midway through, altho since Craig's hometown of MV is somewhere i recently lived, i was initially delighted by the familiar proximities

however, once we get to the avalanches portion, this thing spins out into blah-blah-blah land of what really feels like narrative fiction

sure, these may be based on interviews [crap that must have been boring], altho recounting gestures & thoughts & conversations that may or may not have occurred 20+ years ago is, ignorable & exhausting

so, i finished it πŸ‘

​​​​​​​the first half is pretty good, as we learn about Craig Kelly, a renowned snowboarder who pioneered w/ his excellent style

like maybe: based on a true story