Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Best In the World" by Chris Jericho & Peter Thomas Fornatale

"The Best In the World" by Chris Jericho & Peter Thomas Fornatale

book review by Riley Burnham 1/23/2023

really good stuff -- excellent audiobook

i grew up on rasslin', so this is/was right up my alley w/ insights & great stories

Chris Jericho, who i first saw via his Y2J countdown in 1999, played a heel among the greats -- that is, an intentional 'bad guy'

insulting & enflaming crowds, "wronging" their baby-faces ['good' guys], & thus creating some of the most entertaining angles & storylines [& promos] of all sports entertainment

Jericho fills the book w/ humor, quips, tales, & unique perspective -- from wrestling to dancing to heavy metal -- & even recommends a good yoga program [DDP!]

so it was good; glad i read it