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"Leadership" by Henry Kissinger
book review by Riley Burnham 8/9/2022
long book; pretty dense
full of insights & character profiles; although i admit i maintained an ear of distrust through the entire book -- guessing it's filled(!) w/ half-truths & orthogonal descriptions of events: leaving out the nefarious & well-financed hands behind much in geopolitics (& warfare)
for instance: in his chapter on Nixon, it leaves out his overseeing of the Apollo hoaxes, which to me, kind of indicates the subtleties of corruption
i suspect Kissinger works on behalf of banks (or bankers) & is duplicitous -- clearly favoring Israel (go figure)
impressive he put out a book in his ~100th year, & i'm sure someone out there is going to lap it up -- i considered it a slog & was happy to reach the end, which hardly-surprisingly, introduces the "Ukraine War" situation of 2022, which appears to be completely fabricated/contrived by the Powers That Be
i roll my eyes