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"Just Breathe" by Dan Brulé
book review by Riley Burnham 12/29/2022
well this [audiobook very good] is one of the best, most fascinating; directly useful books i've read in awhile
one of those books that takes hold almost immediately [i almost promise you'll find yourself consciously breathing through it, which is sort of the point]
huge premises: conscious breath extends life; so the more we do [like hygiene, a la brushing teeth etc.] the longer, better lives we're setting ourselves up for
the notion is that exhaling slows the heart, while inhaling speeds it
i love the dramatization that breathing is the only* autonomous system we're given access to controlling; which means it's our "way in" to the rest of our body [consciously affecting heart-rate, temperature, etc.]
profound honestly -- this is like a pro-level breathing course
i detected little if any fluff, excess, or wasted breaths here -- this one was good & worth reading through & through
i made a Breathing Game to accompany myself: set a [digital?] stopwatch & practice holding breaths for longer & longer times; i used Laps to track when i reached 'levels' of effort; getting in my first sessions to 2+ minutes per-hold regularly