Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth A Globe?" by Alex Gleason

"Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth A Globe?" by Alex Gleason

book review by Riley Burnham 7/31/2024

so super good(!)

absolutely thoroughly enjoyed this one

known for his exquisite [Gleason] map, it turns out the author also wrote a book on the subject of biblical voracity & Earth-flatness/station -- which he draws out completely(!)

he essentially traces eclipses back to Biblical times, showing even the situation during Jesus's final week -- he explains that our modern calendar is off & needs recalibrating to once again achieve the heavenly precision it's meant to

this book covers a ton of stuff, & is in a vein similar to "Zetetic Astronomy," altho i think better...

highly HIGHLY recommended