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"Father Amorth" by Fr. Gabriele Amorth
book review by Riley Burnham 9/12/2023
hmm... wow(!) a book by an 'exorcist!'
something different to be certain... this reads like an interview between Gabriele & E. Fezzi, which touches on a myriad of excellent topics & ponderances
we hear of Amorth's introduction into exorcising [he was hired into it lol]; his relationship w/ his mentor(s); his experiences w/ clients/patients/whatever we call them; commentary on the state of the church & some of their positions... upholding vows, etc.
a comprehensive & thoughtful book(!)
Amorth claims to have conducted tens of thousands of 'exorcisms,' & says that in some he witnessed levitation, even while people tried to hold the person down [my BS detectors are flying]
it seems that the definition of "demon possession" & thereby 'necessitating' 'exorcism' is a somewhat loose concept, in that relational/familial problems even call for such work... hmmm
sounds like over-prescription & placebo-effect are major factors here
i do want to visit some cathedrals... 🙏