Riley Burnham enterprises

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"100 Proofs That Earth Is Not A Globe" by WM. Carpenter

"100 Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe" by WM. Carpenter

book review by Riley Burnham 6/19/2023

extraordinarily good book(!!)

this one, like "Zetetic Astronomy," which is referenced & torchbearing, continues destroying/eloquently challenging globe-Earth models & beliefs as farcical & wrong -- offering in this work's case [late 1880s FYI], 100 proofs that Earth is not a globe(!)

of course each of them is convincing, & having researched flat-Earth thoroughly for 7+ months running, it's one of the best books on the subject & a must-read for practically anyone

the proofs crush the dogma & common beliefs, showing that every proof demonstrates flatness & 0 proofs demonstrate [satisfactorily] rotundity

the conclusion is great: Campbell [AKA "Common Sense" as a penname: see his other works] writes to leading astronomers & societies, seeking cordial responses to his book, which would be published in to-be printed editions [a few respond, which are printed]

this one stands as top-shelf flat-Earth material; a remarkable work by any stretch

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