Riley Burnham enterprises
you step through a doorway that screams I AM BAD

the hellish portal spits you into a spacious room, decorated macabre

you see the arch baddie, the most horrid

he shoots at you, w/ a gun

you dodge abruptly, him missing you

HOLY COW, that was close

you search your weapon compartments, coming up w/ a few chopsticks

Chinese food, you scold yourself, wishing you had more

you throw a stick ultimately, envisioning mayhem

it peters out short of him, tinking under a cabinet

MISSED YA, you call out

he grabs a frisbee w/ blades on it, rushing around the table

you pull out the other two chops & run for your life, skirting the perimeter

he slices the air toward you w/ the menacing hat, you dodging it

he shows his leg, to which you insert a single chopstick, rolling back to safety

he acknowledges this, somewhat bewildered

you run, feet even on the wall, to gain speed, holding your final yum-stick in an effective way

​​​​​​​he starts saying something like, "hey wait" as you shove it into his face

it definitely hurts him as he collapses

you produce from your shirt a patch of some sort, which you slap onto his chest
​​​​​​​OWWWWWWW he hollars, dying right there

you stagger back, having done it
