Riley Burnham enterprises

BIRDING bird diary

Wenatchee, WA

was watching a group/flock of birds under a lightpole in a park as the sun sets, w/ golden light, & how beautiful it all is -- when they all flew away & a single crow arrived, flying up to the top of the pole

heh, dominance


Ring-necked dove [Streptopelia capicol]
Wenatchee, WA

watched this ol’ feller or fella chilling on a tree-branch, went inside for a good while, & returned to see him/her still there, riding the wind

i understand these doves to be lifer mates [you usually see them in tandem, & they’re hard to distinguish gender], so perhaps it’s waiting or looking for it’s partner, or “putting out the vibes” lol

right on, Dover

dove in tree


Common house sparrow [Passer domesticus]
Wenatchee, WA

well this was neat:
there’s a birdhouse affixed to a garage near where i was sitting, & sure enough, a presumably mother bird was feeding her young, who had hungry mouths [i saw 2] inside the entrance while she remained outside

once fed, she flew to a nearby tree, where she continued chatting [back & forth] w/ her kiddos



American crow [Corvus brachyrhynchos]
Wenatchee, WA

i’ve been watching crows in front of my apt & see they do all kinds of interesting stuff

today one was gleefully foraging around amongst a couple blackbirds under a tree in a park — i’ve noticed they often/sometimes squak as they pass over the tree in front of my place [where a crow chased a smaller bird away from]; so perhaps he has a mate there…


American crow [Corvus brachyrhynchos]
Wenatchee, WA

was watching a starling forage under a tree; then be chased off by a squawking crow, who joined it in the street before returning to the grass by the tree for its own hunting; followed by some casual preening

classic territorial by the much larger bird