Riley Burnham enterprises

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"The Greatest" by Muhammad Ali

"The Greatest" by Muhammad Ali

book review by Riley Burnham 11/3/2022

uhhh, this one was PHENOMENAL

written in 1975, this chronicles the champ from his Olympic medal to a certain rumble in a certain jungle, w/ mention of Manila

one of the best pound-for-pound books i've read, w/ enough morsels to satisfy a boxing fan & also a good-story-enthusiast

there are a handful of heart-wrenchers in here, although the overall narrative is one of COMPETITION; of being the Greatest & fighting the Greats

i loved his entrance into Islam, his refusal to serve in Vietnam, & pretty much Ali's philosophy through-&-through

it's evident that his largess was more than boxing prowess: it was his demeanor; his approach ; his mind

i'd pause the book & watch some matches, seeing Joe Frazier face Foreman twice; seeing Ali face Patterson, & more

i absolutely loved this book