Riley Burnham enterprises

lingering thoughts

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"The Flat-Earth Conspiracy" by Eric Dubay

"The Flat-Earth Conspiracy" by Eric Dubay

book review by Riley Burnham 2/17/2023

really really good [audiobook version πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘]

this one covers a ton of excellent topics, & details aspects that i've heard/read Eric mention elsewhere tho in less detail -- here he picks apart w/ considerable scrutiny some world-view dominant farces:
   - Apollo "moon" landings
   - satellites/orbiting stations
   - dinosaurs/evolution(!!)
   - globe-earth
​​​​​​​   - Gravity
   - Relativity
   - planets
   - etc. etc. etc.

this one's robust -- great coverage(!)

​​​​​​​it was a joy to listen to sober explanations of otherwise "complex" concepts [Relativity as a means of dismissing the aether, which supports globe-earth/heliocentrism, etc.]

​​​​​​​he brings a hamma to the dinos as well, showing their recent "discovery" & complete lack of historical mention as indicators of the ruse [he notes the prominent discoverers who are known charlatans -- i've since discovered the famed Tyrannosaurus rex was coined by a guy named Barnum, after the circus dude... ahem]

it seems much of the world we're taught/led to believe are COMPLETE diversions/distractions -- confusing & mesmerizing us

​​​​​​​highly recommendable

oh, there's a tie-in w/ the dinosaur portion that giants are quite possibly/likely being covered up; it's worth thinking about... he notes when specimens are sent to the Smithsonian they basically disappear